Lead Mining and Prospecting

Backed by cutting-edge technology and a proven prospecting process, our lead mining services give you the power that you need to scale your sales team and effectively boost your overall sales numbers.

Proactively acquire new customers though targeted lead lists

Sure, marketing is an effective way to bring leads to your doorstep, but it’s not the only way. The truth is that sales leads are everywhere, if you know where to look for them – and we do. Not only can we build you verified lead lists based on your target customer, we establish first contact, qualify and hand them over to your sales team, warmed up and ready to close.

Hyper-targeted prospecting lists help you connect and convert over 200% better

Looking for US-based eCommerce businesses that do over $500,000 in gross sales and use Magento?


We can find them.


Want to connect with the VP of Sales for European based SaaS business doing over 5MM in revenue?


We’ll get to them.

What about California based Real-Estate agents who specialize in selling ranches and estates exceeding 2MM?


Consider it done!


When you first come on board, we’ll take the time to talk with you about your business and the products and services you offer. From there, we develop your target customer profile, which is used to scour various online sources and social networks to find exactly the type of prospects you need.

We’ll manually verify every prospect to the best of our ability, identifying key stakeholder and possible decision makers collecting  as much information as possible including phone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses, social media accounts and more.


Once we’ve acquired enough verified prospects, we’ll start the cold outreach process. Engaging with potential prospects in the post CAN-SPAM and GDPR age creates a very unique set of challenges. The days of mass emailing have long gone by the way side as technology races to create barriers that enforce ongoing legislation. But the reality is, cold outreach continues to be an extremely effective in both B2B and B2C sales.


Let’s face it, most companies don’t do a very good job of fostering leads and prospects.  Today’s consumer are constantly bombarded with messaging for businesses and making single-touch closes the exception, not the norm.  On average, studies have shown 11 or 12 follow-ups and engagements are necessary to close a sale. In-house teams typically make 1-2 follow ups before declaring it a “dead” lead.

Our goal is to engage leads at the top-end of the sales cycle though personalized email communications and voice conversions. Our teams are trained to seek out decision makers and bring them them into the conversation, warmed up and ready to close.


You dictate our engagement process. Depending on the length and complexity of your sales cycle,  we can transfer the prospect over to your in-house team immediately, set appointments in your CRM, or move the potential customer further down the sales funnel.

Once your prospect becomes a customer, we can assist with your client boarding or conduct sales follow-up calls making sure their experience was a positive one.

Ready to accelerate revenue?

Our experts are ready. Contact us today for a free quote.

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